IDEASSinging is a powerful form of self-expression that can bring joy, connection, and beauty to our lives. Despite its many benefits, many people feel self-conscious or uncertain about their singing abilities. However, the truth is that everyone can sing! With a little bit of practice and the right guidance, you too can tap into the joys of singing. So, whether you're a seasoned pro or a complete novice, consider trying out some singing exercises to help you find your voice and connect with your emotions in a whole new way. From vocal warm-ups to breathing exercises, there are many techniques you can use to improve your singing abilities and gain confidence in your voice. So don't be shy, take a deep breath, and let your voice soar!
ACTIVITIESCall and Response
This is a simple singing game where one person sings a line and the others repeat it back. It can be done with a simple melody or with more complex harmonies. Chorus & Verse Everyone creates a chorus to sing together. Then each person sings a verse. Between each verse, everyone sings the chorus together. Karaoke Karaoke is a classic singing game where people take turns singing popular songs. You can play for fun or make it a competition. Orchestra Divide the group into different groups (ex. beat, melody, supporting sounds) and freestyle a song together. Singing Charades Divide into teams and take turns acting out a song without singing the lyrics. The other team must guess the song. Round Singing In round singing, each person sings the same melody, but starts at a different time. This creates a beautiful harmony as the different parts come together. Songwriting Challenge Give each person a topic or theme and challenge them to write a song about it. Then share and perform the songs together. Storytelling through Song In this exercise, each person creates a short song to tell a story. It can be silly or serious, but the goal is to convey a story through music. VOCAL WARM-UPSBefore diving into more complex singing exercises or games, start with some simple vocal warm-ups. These can include exercises to loosen up your voice, practice scales, and work on breath control.
Lip Trills: This exercise helps in getting the lips, tongue, and breath working together. Place your fingers on your cheeks, press them in slightly, and blow air through your lips to create a "brrr" sound. Do this for a few seconds. Humming: This exercise helps in warming up your vocal cords. Close your mouth and hum from the lowest to the highest pitch you can reach. Sirens: This exercise helps in warming up the entire vocal range. Start with a low note and slide up to the highest note you can reach, then slide back down to the lowest note. Tongue Twisters: This exercise helps in improving articulation and clarity. Recite tongue twisters like "She sells seashells by the seashore" or "Red lorry, yellow lorry" several times. Yawning: This exercise helps in opening up the throat and relaxing the vocal cords. Take a deep breath and exhale with a yawn sound. Nasal Sounds: This exercise helps in improving resonance and nasal airflow. Make sounds like "ng" or "n" with your mouth closed. Octave Jumps: This exercise helps in warming up the entire vocal range. Sing "do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do" starting from the lowest pitch to the highest pitch you can reach. Breath Control: This exercise helps in improving breath support. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly on a hissing sound. RESOURCES"The Choral Warm-Up Collection" by Sally K. Albrecht and Jay Althouse. Over 180 warm-up exercises and activities for choirs of all levels, along with suggestions for building vocal technique and developing musicianship.
"Group Vocal Technique: How to Teach Singing in a Group Setting" by Kari Ragan. Practical tips and exercises for teaching vocal technique in a group setting, including suggestions for building breath support, improving resonance, and developing vocal agility. "The Big Book of Choral Warm-Ups: 45 Warm-Ups from Around the World" by Peter Hunt. 45 warm-up exercises from around the world, along with suggestions for incorporating movement and percussion into choir rehearsals. "Choral Music Methods and Materials: Developing Successful Choral Programs" by Barbara A. Brinson and Joshua Palkki. A comprehensive approach to choral music education, including exercises and activities for developing vocal technique, building repertoire, and creating successful choir performances. "The Group Singing Songbook" by Community Music Victoria. This book includes a collection of songs and activities for group singing, along with tips for building vocal technique and creating successful group singing experiences. The book is designed for use in community singing groups and other group singing settings. |